Ed McMahon, an attorney, community planner, lecturer and author, currently a senior resident fellow at the Urban Land Institute in Washington, D.C., where he holds the Charles Fraser Chair for Sustainable Development once said, “Growth is inevitable and desirable, but destruction of community character is not. The question is not whether your part of the world is going to change. The question is how.”
To embrace growth or to discourage it has long been a topic of discussion in Central Yavapai County. Despite all the discussion, explosive growth erupted and here we are. Currently the debate is not “to grow or not to grow” but how to ensure everyone from young families and business owners to first-time job hunters and retirees can enjoy the quality of life they’re seeking.
Advocating balanced responsible growth is no easy task but a group of Central Yavapai County civic, business and education leaders have stepped up to the plate and risen to the occasion.
The Central Arizona Partnership was established in 2006 by people who have a history and commitment to Central Arizona. They boldly tackle crucial Central Yavapai County ecological and economic growth issues that include methods to ensure a sustainable water supply, such as conservation and importation, and carefully study the inter-relation of health care, education and quality of life to determine the impact they have on the vitality of the community as a whole.
Over the years, CAP has facilitated public education forums, deliberation and action to address issues of primary importance to the smart growth of Central Yavapai County. Most recently, CAP envisioned, and helped form, the Greater Prescott Regional Economic Partnership (GPREP). This collaborative of private businesses, municipalities, Yavapai County Supervisors, local colleges and area universities have joined forces to attract new primary jobs and capital investments that will expand, diversify, and sustain the regional economy.
In a nutshell, the Central Arizona Partnership is passionately focused on actively engaging in all areas relative to responsible growth that include preserving the ecological integrity of Central Yavapai County and strengthening the economic, healthcare and educational foundation. What motivates CAP’s members to take on such an enormous task? Ultimately, to safeguard and protect the community’s most precious commodity of all, its distinctive character.
CAP members are a diverse mix of Central Yavapai County business owners, educators, health care and civic leaders and business professionals who care deeply about their communities and believe issues related to smart, responsible growth need to be truthfully examined, debated wisely and acted on effectively in order to secure a prosperous, sustainable future and high-quality of life for everyone.